Alice Notley – “I’ve meant to tell you many things about my life, …”

“I’ve meant to tell you many things about my life, 
& every time the moment has conquered me. 
I’m strangely unhappy 
                                  because the pattern of my life 
is complicated, 
because my nature is hopelessly complicated; 
& out of this, to my sorrow, pain to you must grow. 
The centre of me
                          is always & eternally 
                                                            a terrible pain- 

a curious wild pain—a searching 
beyond what the world contains, something 
transfigured & infinite—I don’t find it, 
I don’t think it is to be found.

It’s like passionate love for a ghost. 
At times it fills me with rage,
                             at times with wild despair. 
It’s the source of gentleness & cruelty & work”

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